Welcome to Silambam’s Digital Treasure Hunt!

This summer, go on a scavenger hunt through Treasure Terrain! Explore characters from the Indian epic, the Mahabharata. Learn about gestures and motifs used in Indian classical dance. Find fun activity sheets and interesting tidbits!
The path will lead you to one of our ‘Storytime With Silambam’ videos, which features one or more of the characters from our dance theater production, “Chakravyuh: Battle Against The Odds”!

Digital Treasure Hunt 1

Digital Treasure Hunt 2

Digital Treasure Hunt 3


Digital Treasure Hunt 4

Digital Treasure Hunt 5


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The Digital Treasure Hunt project and Storytime With Silambam videos are funded in part by a Let Creativity Happen! grant from the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance.





Enjoy these fun activities!



What are hastams?

Indian classical dance uses gestures of the hands to represent various objects, concepts, and even emotions! These hand gestures are called 'hastams' or 'mudras' and they are part of the basic vocabulary of every Indian classical dancer.

Click here to see a video on some of the hastams used in this treasure hunt!



What is a sanchari?

A sanchari is an elaboration of a lyric told with deeper meaning. It is often seen in the varnam or the centerpiece of a Bharatanatyam recital, but can also be seen in other pieces. The dancer will enact a sanchari or a story that relays a broader understanding of the lyrics.

In today’s sanchari, you will see a conversation that takes place right before the great Kurukshetram war, between Arjuna, Duryodhana, and the central character of this treasure hunt. Arjuna asks for this person’s help in the war and is given two options: 1, he can have the person as his charioteer or 2, he can have the person’s entire army. Arjuna chooses the first option, and Duryodhana chooses the second, and thus our character becomes Arjuna’s charioteer in the war.

Click here to see this sanchari!




We hope you enjoyed your journey through Treasure Terrain! By now, you might have guessed that this Digital Treasure Hunt is all about Krishna, who played such an important role in the Mahabharata.

Enjoy the Storytime With Silambam video below, then go to Feedback Forest to tell us what you thought of this Digital Treasure Hunt!

Click here to see this Storytime With Silambam video on Krishna, and why we celebrate Diwali/Deepavali!

Tell us what you think!

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